Lexicon of Spiritual Powers in the Nag Hammadi “Library” in the Light of the Texts of Ritual Power
Piwowarczyk P.
Год :2021 Количество страниц :357 [412] Языки :Английский ,Коптский Категория :Исследования Скачать : PdfПоддержать :
The Lexicon is conceived as a reference book for the names of spiritual powers attested in the Nag Hammadi “library” presented against the background of the texts of ritual power. It provides the names in their immediate lexical and narrative context without any claims to wider philological or theological analyses, although the body of evidence has been put together with the aim of enabling further investigation also in this field. The main goal of the Lexicon is to establish for the first time a tool for reliable research on interrelations between two source corpora replete with the names of power.